The Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4 (GETM4) Consortium Grant Award
The Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4 (GETM4) project kicked-off successful at the Technological University Dublin (TUD), Ireland on 22nd, January 2024. The project is a consortium of 11 universities and 5 industry partners. The Universities in the Consortium are University of Nairobi (Kenya), Kenyatta University (Kenya), Kyungpook National University (South Korea), Chonnam National University (South Korea), Dublin City University (Ireland), Tallin University (Estonia), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Northumbra University (UK), Technological University Dublin (Ireland), University of Warsaw (Poland), Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (Chile). Industry partners in the consortium are Fundacja Po Drugie (Poland), SAP SSC (Ireland), Macedonian Human Resource Association (Macedonia), MEDIADE (Slovenia), EKO Integrated Services (Ireland) and ESEN (Estonia). The GETM4 consortium was awarded a total amount of € 1,292,600.00 under the European Union’s Marie Curie Staff Mobility Programme and runs from November 2023 to November 2026. Dr. Duncan Elly of the Department of Finance and Accounting and Dr. John Oredo of the Department of Library and Information Science participated in the development of the GETM4 consortium grant proposal and contributed to the success of the proposal and final award of the funding. Dr. Elly and Dr. Oredo serve as Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PIs) for the GETM4 project at the University of Nairobi and are also members of the GETM4 Steering Committee, which is the top decision-making organ of the Consortium.
The main aim of the project is to transform global entrepreneurial education. Specifically, the project seeks to decipher the intricate dynamics of individual entrepreneurs worldwide, unravelling their roles, attitudes, and expectations in innovation during disruptive events. It will explore worldwide innovative teaching methods, seeking experimental approaches that nurture entrepreneurial skills, especially in the face of disruptions. It also seeks to investigate the broader role of industries in predicting and adapting to disruptions, focusing on strategic entrepreneurship within organizations. Additionally, it will identify collaborations and devise strategies that seamlessly integrate entrepreneurial skills and mentoring processes into STEAM courses.
To achieve the principle of cultural inclusivity, which emphasizes the significance of fostering globally respectful approaches to networking and knowledge transfer, the project will unfold through several secondments/ exchange visits amongst the partner institutions.
Based on the principle that tackling global disruptions require global research teams, GETM4 has put together an 18 partner Consortium comprising of a transnational, transdisciplinary, transgenerational, trans sectorial and gender balanced research team. GETM4 will organize over 300 secondments/staff exchanges across 9 countries and 4 continents, and a series of sandpits rotating between the partner institutions. This global approach will allow researchers to gain first-hand and in-depth insights on relevant research topics and develop their skills through networking and trainings. Our research will be underpinned by a “respectful impact” perspective as we believe research and innovation should be transferred and translated respectfully between the Global South and North and knowledge should be shared equitably and in all directions.